Battelle is an independent, nonprofit, applied science and technology organization committed to translating scientific discovery and technology advances into societal benefits. Additionally, Battelle is the certified consensus-based entity (CBE), certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). To facilitate the execution of CBE tasks, Battelle formed the Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM). PQM utilizes a consensus-based process involving a variety of experts to ensure informed and thoughtful endorsement reviews of qualified measures.

ASCO continues to receive endorsement from PQM for nine quality measures. Each measure is evaluated by PQM for suitability on (1) importance, (2) scientific acceptability, (3) feasibility, (4) use and usability, and (5) equity (optional criterion).

ASCO Measures Endorsed by PQM

CBE Number  Measure Title 
210 Percentage of Patients who Died from Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy in the Last 14 Days of Life
213 Percentage of Patients who Died from Cancer Admitted to the ICU in the Last 30 Days of Life
216 Percentage of Patients who Died from Cancer Admitted to Hospice for Less than 3 Days 
0383 Oncology: Medical and Radiation – Pain Intensity Quantified (paired with 0384)
0384 Oncology: Medical and Radiation– Pain Intensity Quantified (paired with 0383)
0384e Oncology: Medical and Radiation– Pain Intensity Quantified
1858 Trastuzumab administered to patients with AJCC stage I (T1c) – III human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) positive breast cancer who receive adjuvant chemotherapy
1859 KRAS/NRAS Gene Mutation Testing Performed for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer who Receive anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Monoclonal Antibody Therapy
1860 Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer and KRAS/NRAS Gene Mutation Spared Treatment with anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Monoclonal Antibodies